Hertsmere Local Plan
Hertsmere Local Plan

The Local Plan consultation at Hertsmere Borough Council is in full swing, with residents encouraged to actively participate in shaping the future of their community.

During a recent Full Council meeting, Cllr Nik Oakley, the Planning Portfolio holder, highlighted the various avenues through which individuals can engage with the consultation process.

Expressing pride in the accessibility of the consultation, Cllr Oakley outlined the comprehensive approach taken to ensure that every resident can contribute. “I am delighted to see the level of accessibility we’ve achieved with this consultation,” she remarked. “To make it as inclusive as possible, we’re conducting a Local Plan roadshow across different settlements. This provides residents with the opportunity to join discussions, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the proposed plan.”

In addition to the roadshow, hard copies of the plan have been strategically placed in community hubs, libraries, and leisure facilities throughout the Borough. “We want to meet people where they are, whether it’s at their local library or community centre,” Cllr Oakley emphasised. “Furthermore, our online portal offers a convenient platform for residents to review specific sections of the plan and submit their feedback.”

Acknowledging diverse preferences, Cllr Oakley assured residents that multiple channels are available for submitting comments. “Whether you prefer to email your thoughts or send them by post, we’ve made sure there are options to suit everyone,” she stated.

For those seeking further information or wishing to participate in the consultation, all relevant details can be found on the dedicated web page, here.

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